Pastor Oden Fong Poiema Christian Fellowship at the Huntington Beach Public Central Library in the Main Theater 7111 Talbert Ave & Gothard between Goldenwest, west of Beach Blvd Huntington Beach CA 92648 Sundays 10 AM 714 842 4481 Midweek services: 9065 Adams Ave & Magnolia Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Tuesdays 7:30pm Pastor Lee Jones Wednesdays 7:30pm Pastor Oden Fong Please come join us! Jesus loves you
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Pastor Oden Fong leading worship & teaching Poiema Christian Fellowship
Pastor Oden Fong teaching 1Cor16 Thurs 090326 Poiema Christian Fellowship
090328 CCCM Children's Ministry Banquet Guest James and the Professor and Uncle Ned
J Walk 7:30pm Wednesday Children's Ministry FREE

Please come to Pastor Brian & Cheryl Brodersen's sermon on Wednesday and bless your children to be ministered to by God's Spirit while you're being filled up and refreshed in His life transforming teaching of His word. Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa 3800 S. Fairview Rd, SA CA 92704 714 979 4422 All the classrooms have moved downstairs, 7:30pm in the building behind the building that's across from the Main Sanctuary. ROOMS #: 1st Grade: boys & girls Room #17. 2nd Grade: boys Room#15, girls Room #16. 3rd Grade: boys Room #14, girls Room #13. 4th Grade: boys Room #12, girls Room #103. 5th Grade: boys Room #104, girls Room #101. 6th Grade: boys Room #106, girls Room #105.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Brittany, Stella, Lucy Laurie & all of Harvest Christian Fellowship on Adams & Arlington in Riverside.
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to 107.9 fm tonights free movie Vegie Tales all welcome!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Officer with the shorts & cap retrieved my purse with God's power & might. Thank You LORD for blessing.
om Please listen to 107.9 fm 3pm PST Pastor's Perspective Pastor Chuck Smith Don Stewart bless LORD & use mightily for Your glory to save lives eternally by Jesus amen.
time) together in unity (agreement, harmony). Please come be blessed join God's family get to know God
Your ministries & raising up more laborers, all the new believers produced from Your ministries amen.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
write about our attitude in joy & sorrow which go together like a horse & carriage momma told daddy
write about our attitude in joy & sorrow which go together like a horse & carriage momma told daddy
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
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Saturday, July 25, 2009
Pastor Neil Fieri, Martha's granddaughter graduated from college, Theresa's daughter's moving her.
Be blessed at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Baptism in Corona Del Mar Pirates Cove
Come for the fellowship, come to share your faith with others.
Jesus loves you.
Thank you.
Be blessed at
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
in Corona Del Mar Pirates Cove
July 25, 2009
Poiema Christian Fellowship
Main Theater (lower level parking lot, then walk to the entrance of the Theater)
The Huntington Beach Public Central Library
7111 Talbert Bl
Huntington Beach, CA 92626
1 714 842 8841
1) Sun 10AM Pastor Oden Fong
9065 Adams & Magnolia
2) Tues 7:30PM Lee Jones
3) Thurs 7:30PM Oden Fong
Magnolia corner, next to Zubie's Drydock in walk way
enter rear parking lot, door with a ramp (name changed but same video and pictures from
107.9FM watch live, click on video link
Porfavor escuchar en Espanol
Please listen in Spanish
Pastor's Perspective Live radio
Bible questions & answers from Pastors Chuck Smith, Don Stewart, Brian & Cheryl Brodersen
1 (888) 564-6173
Halleluiah! The Lord reigns!
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
(714) 979-4422
3800 S. Fairview Rd. SA, CA
Btwn Sunflower & MacArthur,
405 Fwy go, Santa Ana.
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of God's Spirit moving be blessed with the fellowship many opportunities to share your faith
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earth. Halleluiah Jesus, we love our Messiah!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thank You LORD our heavenly father. Please get baptized 10am Corona Del Mar Pirates Cove 10am. Thank u
FN:Carol 99 Store
N:Carol 99 Store
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thank you for your prayers. God bless you.
working out the management situation for Your glory in Jesus name amen.
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Monday, July 20, 2009
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Blog Archive
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- God bless Chase Bank in Baker & Harbor in Costa Me...
- God bless Pastor Oden & Samantha Fong Poiema Chris...
- God bless & use Jacob mightily for His glory & goo...
- God bless with God's perfect will & plan Dee at Do...
- God bless with His perfect will & plan Chelsea And...
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- Thank you Essie for praying together with me askin...
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- God bless Pastor Oden & Samantha Fong Poiema Chris...
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- God bless Emil Velenosi God's mighty man of valour...
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- God bless you please come to www.calvarychapelcost...
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- God bless the Soup Plantation on Lambert & the Poi...
- God bless Calvary Chapel Christian Center on 1200 ...
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- God bless Young & Vicky Kim Owners of Maui Hawaiia...
- God bless Young & Vicky Kim Maui Hawaiian BBQ 1785...
- God bless Young & Vicky Kim owners of Maui Hawaiia...
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- God bless you please come to Calvary Chapel Costa ...
- God bless with His perfect will & plan Tim & Anna ...
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- God bless with His perfect will & plan Eddy Libert...
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About Me
- Jesus loves you
- God saved me 6.5 years ago, a sinner, by His grace, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, whom He sent to die for all the sins of mankind. I love God with all of my heart. Learning about Him daily and living for His good pleasure and seeking His will and guidance daily. God loves you. God loves everyone. Please give God a chance to reveal Himself to you by asking Him to show you who He is, ask Him with a genuine, sincere heart, then expect God to answer you. When God does, you will never be the same. Then please write and share your experience with me and anyone who will listen and see what amazing things God rewards you for doing this. Jesus loves you.