Pastor Oden Fong Poiema Christian Fellowship at the Huntington Beach Public Central Library in the Main Theater 7111 Talbert Ave & Gothard between Goldenwest, west of Beach Blvd Huntington Beach CA 92648 Sundays 10 AM 714 842 4481 Midweek services: 9065 Adams Ave & Magnolia Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Tuesdays 7:30pm Pastor Lee Jones Wednesdays 7:30pm Pastor Oden Fong Please come join us! Jesus loves you
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Pastor Oden Fong leading worship & teaching Poiema Christian Fellowship
Pastor Oden Fong teaching 1Cor16 Thurs 090326 Poiema Christian Fellowship
090328 CCCM Children's Ministry Banquet Guest James and the Professor and Uncle Ned
J Walk 7:30pm Wednesday Children's Ministry FREE

Please come to Pastor Brian & Cheryl Brodersen's sermon on Wednesday and bless your children to be ministered to by God's Spirit while you're being filled up and refreshed in His life transforming teaching of His word. Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa 3800 S. Fairview Rd, SA CA 92704 714 979 4422 All the classrooms have moved downstairs, 7:30pm in the building behind the building that's across from the Main Sanctuary. ROOMS #: 1st Grade: boys & girls Room #17. 2nd Grade: boys Room#15, girls Room #16. 3rd Grade: boys Room #14, girls Room #13. 4th Grade: boys Room #12, girls Room #103. 5th Grade: boys Room #104, girls Room #101. 6th Grade: boys Room #106, girls Room #105.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
God bless you in Jesus Christ &welcometoWalmart Supercenter 8500 Washington Blvd Pico Rivera, CA 90660 anointed Mat Alex Noah please come to anointed Pastor Derek youth Pastor at & welcome please come tonight to 7pm Pastor Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel Montebello An Acoustic Christmas with Chuck Smith 7pm-9pm 931 South Maple Avenue Montebello, CA 90640 (323) 724-8464 & every Fridays & Pastor Larry Reyes please come Mon
Monday, November 12, 2012
God bless you & please pray support & come theres still time to register be blessed pray & support & get guaranteed returns stored in heaven these ministers Teaching John Hwang Teaching: David Guzik Worship: Brenden McPeek Worship: Scott Cunningham Band Teaching: Nate Holdridge Worship: Chelsea Moon Teaching: Jason Biel – Evan Wickham & Francina & Koko & Benjamin serving our Lord here at welcome to Calvary Chapel Bible College Chapel Bible College was founded in 1975 39407 Murrieta Hot Springs Road Murrieta, CA 92563 (951) 696-5944 MUSICIANS (please pray support & apply Be blessed Calvary Chapel Worship Leaders Conference NOVEMBER 12th-15th, 2012 Conference Costs Estimation 2012: (Subject to change) $255 – Full Registration (On-site) Includes: 8 meals, three nights’ lodging, all sessions and workshops $205 – Full Registration (Off-site) Includes: 8 meals (guaranteed with pre-registration only), all sessions and workshops $85 – Day Pass (Off-site) Includes: 3 meals (guaranteed with pre-registration only), sessions and workshops Conference Location: Murrieta Hot Springs Conference Center 39405 Murrieta Hot Springs Road, Murrieta, CA (951) 698-5031 Dear Worship Leaders, Pastors, and worship ministry servants, We would like to formally invite you to attend the Calvary Chapel Worship Leaders Conference , November 12th-15th, 2012, held at the beautiful Murrieta Hot Springs Conference Center. Come and be refreshed and encouraged in your ministry and calling as we draw near to the Lord with great Bible teaching, intimate worship and great fellowship with other worship leaders and team members. In addition, there will be practical workshops to help equip you in your ministry, along with the encouraging fellowship of other worship leaders who serve in the same capacity. It is our prayer and desire to maintain the simplicity and Spirit-led ministry that has distinctly marked the way that God moves in and through Calvary Chapel. Our heart is to provide sound teaching from the Word of God and effectively bring the idea of worship back to its basic principles, which will readily apply to small and large churches. Full registration includes eight meals, all sessions and workshops, and three nights’ lodging in a beautiful resort setting. Prayerfully consider bringing your worship team, media ministry, sound ministry, and all who would benefit from this week of seeking the Lord together. Hope to see you there! -The CCWLC Staff & please pray & support Kris Olsen & Please listen live to 107.9fm or 102.5fm Bakersfield Pastor's Perspective Mon-Fri 3pm PST live call in (888)564-6173 to Pastors Chuck Smith & Don Stewart & Thurs 6pm PST World News Briefs & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News Briefs & Thurs 6pm PST & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News Briefs & Please be blessed with the NEW DVD, "What God Has Rought" documentary on Pastor Chuck Smith interviewed by Calvary Chapel Pastors talking about God and the work He's done and continues to do through Pastor Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel because its God's work, be blessed order online at (800)272-9673 or walk in to purchase your copy at (714)540-2941 & Please be blessed with the best Inspired Travel Agency 3000 W Macarthur Blvd # 203 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714)957-8606 & please be abundantly blessed & pray & support Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's Military ministry & the United States of America's elite super heros & Please come to Calvary Chapel High School & praying the Lord Jesus Christ reveals His glorious love to you & give you a glimpse of eternity's two roads: 1) hell destruction eternally the worse day you ever had multiplied infinitely more than possible. 2) heaven where there are pleasures evermore & unspeakable joy. Please choose freely to receive Jesus as your own personal Lord & Savior & do not take a chance on being wrong about eternity. Make a decision for Jesus that you can bank on secures your eternal love joy & peace. Hope to see you in heaven because once you're in hell its way too late & there's no turning back. God bless you & God bless you in Jesus Christ is God find a church near you click churches, thank you Matt1:25 matt13:55-56 Mary had other children after Jesus Christ is God was born Eccl9:5 the dead know not anything Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone Sent from my iPad 2
Friday, November 9, 2012
God bless you in Jesus Christ & welcome Please pray, invite, come, please be blessed with DVD SET come support 2012 National Apologetics Conference Nov 9 & 10,Fri 6pm-9pm, Sat 9am-4:30pm at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa 3800 S. Fairview St, Santa Ana, CATo Everyone An Answer 1Peter3:15 (951)698-6389
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
welcome please come to FREE concerts 10/26/12 Fri 7:30pm at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 909-396-1884 & Juan's Tacos Mexican Restaurant 8039 Norwalk blvd, Whittier, CA. (562)714-8205 or (562)699-0532 God bless Maria, Carole, Gina, Michelle, Averin, Natalie, Cynthia, Gloria, Crystabell Hope Central Watts Calvary Chapel Facebook, Peter & Sat 7:30pm 10/27/12 Coming Out with Anthony Davila & Hannah Parks & Kris Olsen 3800 S. Fairview Rd, Santa Ana 92704 (714)979-4422 &
welcome please come to FREE concerts 10/26/12 Fri 7:30pm at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 909-396-1884 & Juan's Tacos Mexican Restaurant 8039 Norwalk blvd, Whittier, CA. (562)714-8205 or (562)699-0532 God bless Maria, Carole, Gina, Michelle, Averin, Natalie, Cynthia, Gloria, Crystabell Hope Central Watts Calvary Chapel Facebook, Peter & Sat 7:30pm 10/27/12 Coming Out with Anthony Davila & Hannah Parks & Kris Olsen 3800 S. Fairview Rd, Santa Ana 92704 (714)979-4422 &
welcome please come to FREE concerts 10/26/12 Fri 7:30pm at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 909-396-1884 & Juan's Tacos Mexican Restaurant 8039 Norwalk blvd, Whittier, CA. (562)714-8205 or (562)699-0532From & Sat 7:30pm 10/27/12 Coming Out with Anthony Davila & Hannah Parks & Kris Olsen 3800 S. Fairview Rd, Santa Ana 92704 (714)979-4422 &
welcome please come to FREE concerts 10/26/12 Fri 7:30pm at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 909-396-1884 & Sat 7:30pm 10/27/12 Coming Out with Anthony Davila & Hannah Parks & Kris Olsen 3800 S. Fairview Rd, Santa Ana 92704 (714)979-4422 &
welcome please come to FREE concerts 10/26/12 Fri 7:30pm at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 909-396-1884 & Sat 7:30pm 10/27/12 Coming Out with Anthony Davila & Hannah Parks & Kris Olsen 3800 S. Fairview Rd, Santa Ana 92704 (714)979-4422 &
Friday, October 19, 2012
Halleluiah thank You LORD for Your great care to reach all people groups please LORD mightily for Your glory & good pleasure in Jesus name amen. please pray & support God bless Tory Jodie Jeff Richard Averin Paul Gina Tina Adriana Katherine 55fwy north, 5fwy north. Stay on 57fwy north, pass 60fwy, first exit Grand, turn right on Grand, Right on Golden Springs Dr, Left on Laverne, turn right into parking lot please carpool welcome Please please pray pray pray invite & come TODAY Free concert Ryan Ries Pastor Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 (909)396-1884 & please come to the CALVARY CHAPEL MEN'S CONFERENCE Sat., Oct.20, 2012 8am-4pm gates open at 7am parking $5. music Brenton Brown This year's conference hosted by Pastor Chuck 107.9fm (800)272-9673 & Pastor Brian Brodersen www.backtobasicsradio.com at "Pacific Amphitheater" (OC Fair Grounds) 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 speakers are: Ken Graves Calvary Chapel Orrington, ME., Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs www.calvarygs.org, Carl Kerby, Ebo Elder, Jack Hibbs Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Pancho Juarez Calvary Chapel, Dave Rolph Pacific Hills Calvary, Ken Sutton Men's Ministry at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, John Randall Calvary Chapel San Juan Capistrano, David Rosales Calvary Chapel Chino Mark your calendar! & please come to saturday oct 20, 2012 6pm at www.cccm.comFREE be blessed & informed about the candidates & their agenda Evan Chase a former Pastor (310)918-5311 & Brad Dacus from The Pacific Justice Institute please listen to 107.9fm m-th 3pm pst live Pastor's Perspective (888)564-6173 call & please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening servicewww.calvarychapelcostamesa
Halleluiah thank You LORD for Your great care to reach all people groups please LORD mightily for Your glory & good pleasure in Jesus name amen. please pray & support God bless Tory Jodie Jeff Richard Averin Paul Gina Tina Adriana Katherine 55fwy north, 5fwy north. Stay on 57fwy north, pass 60fwy, first exit Grand, turn right on Grand, Right on Golden Springs Dr, Left on Laverne, turn right into parking lot please carpool welcome Please please pray pray pray invite & come TODAY Free concert Ryan Ries Pastor Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 (909)396-1884 & please come to the CALVARY CHAPEL MEN'S CONFERENCE Sat., Oct.20, 2012 8am-4pm gates open at 7am parking $5. music Brenton Brown This year's conference hosted by Pastor Chuck 107.9fm (800)272-9673 & Pastor Brian Brodersen www.backtobasicsradio.com at "Pacific Amphitheater" (OC Fair Grounds) 88 Fair Dr., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 speakers are: Ken Graves Calvary Chapel Orrington, ME., Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs www.calvarygs.org, Carl Kerby, Ebo Elder, Jack Hibbs Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Pancho Juarez Calvary Chapel, Dave Rolph Pacific Hills Calvary, Ken Sutton Men's Ministry at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, John Randall Calvary Chapel San Juan Capistrano, David Rosales Calvary Chapel Chino Mark your calendar! & please come to saturday oct 20, 2012 6pm at www.cccm.comFREE be blessed & informed about the candidates & their agenda Evan Chase a former Pastor (310)918-5311 & Brad Dacus from The Pacific Justice Institute please listen to 107.9fm m-th 3pm pst live Pastor's Perspective (888)564-6173 call & please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning
Friday, October 12, 2012
121012 Fri Halleluiah thank You LORD our Master Artist for special guest Brian Head Welch formerly from Korn & mosh pit. please pray & support please come God bless Tory Jodie Jeff Richard Averin Paul Gina Tina Adriana Katherine From 55fwy north, 5fwy north. Stay on 57fwy north, pass 60fwy, first exit Grand, turn right on Grand, Right on Golden Springs Dr, Left on Laverne, turn right into parking lot please carpool welcome Please please pray pray pray invite & come TODAY Free concert Ryan Pastor Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 (909)396-1884 & please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening service please be blessed with recordings of the sermons purchased at (800)272-9673 or walk into (714)540-2941 & Please listen live to 107.9fm or 660am Bakersfield Pastor's Perspective Mon-Fri 3pm PST live call in (888)564-6173 to Pastors Chuck
121012 Fri Halleluiah thank You LORD our Master Artist for special guest Brian Head Welch formerly from Korn & mosh pit. please pray & support please come God bless Tory Jodie Jeff Richard Averin Paul Gina Tina Adriana Katherine From 55fwy north, 5fwy north. Stay on 57fwy north, pass 60fwy, first exit Grand, turn right on Grand, Right on Golden Springs Dr, Left on Laverne, turn right into parking lot please carpool welcome Please please pray pray pray invite & come TODAY Free concert Ryan Pastor Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 (909)396-1884 & please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening service please be blessed with recordings of the sermons purchased at (800)272-9673 or walk into (714)540-2941 & Please listen live to 107.9fm or 660am Bakersfield Pastor's Perspective Mon-Fri 3pm PST live call in (888)564-6173 to Pastors Chuck Smith & Don Stewart & Thurs 6pm PST World News Briefs & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News Briefs & Thurs 6pm PST & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News Briefs & Please be blessed with the NEW DVD, "What God Has Rought" documentary on Pastor Chuck Smith interviewed by Calvary Chapel Pastors talking about God and the work He's done and continues to do through Pastor Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel because its God's work, be blessed order online at (800)272-9673 or walk in to purchase your copy at (714)540-2941 & please come to Thurs 7pm &please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening service please be blessed with recordings of the sermons purchased at (800)272-9673 or walk into (714)540-2941 & please support this ministries Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's Military ministry & the United States of America's elite super heros & Please come to Calvary Chapel High School & praying the Lord Jesus Christ reveals His glorious love to you & give you a glimpse of eternity's two roads: 1) hell destruction eternally the worse day you ever had multiplied infinitely more than possible. 2) heaven where there are pleasures evermore & unspeakable joy. Please choose freely to receive Jesus as your own personal Lord & Savior & do not take a chance on being wrong about eternity. Make a decision for Jesus that you can bank on secures your eternal love joy & peace. Hope to see you in heaven because once you're in hell its way too late & there's no turning back. God bless you & God bless you in Jesus Christ is God
find a church near you click churches, thank you
Matt1:25 matt13:55-56 Mary had other children after Jesus Christ is God was born
Eccl9:5 the dead know not anything
Sent from my Verizon Wireless
121012 Fri Halleluiah thank You LORD our Master Artist for special guest Brian Head Welch formerly from Korn & mosh pit. please pray & support please come God bless Tory Jodie Jeff Richard Averin Paul Gina Tina Adriana Katherine From 55fwy north, 5fwy north. Stay on 57fwy north, pass 60fwy, first exit Grand, turn right on Grand, Right on Golden Springs Dr, Left on Laverne, turn right into parking lot please carpool welcome Please please pray pray pray invite & come TODAY Free concert Ryan Pastor Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 (909)396-1884 & please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening service please be blessed w
ith recordings of the sermons purchased at (800)272-9673 or walk into (714)540-2941 & Please listen live to 107.9fm or 660am Bakersfield Pastor's Perspective Mon-Fri 3pm PST live call in (888)564-6173 to Pastors Chuck Smith & Don Stewart & Thurs 6pm PST World News Briefs & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News Briefs & Thurs 6pm PST & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News Briefs & Please be blessed with the NEW DVD, "What God Has Rought" documentary on Pastor Chuck Smith interviewed by Calvary Chapel Pastors talking about God and the work He's done and continues to do through Pastor Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel because its God's work, be blessed order online at (800)272-9673 or walk in to purchase your copy at (714)540-2941 & please come to Thurs 7pm &please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening service please be blessed with recordings of the sermons purchased at (800)272-9673 or walk into (714)540-2941 & please support this ministries Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's Military ministry & the United States of America's elite super heros & Please come to Calvary Chapel High School & praying the Lord Jesus Christ reveals His glorious love to you & give you a glimpse of eternity's two roads: 1) hell destruction eternally the worse day you ever had multiplied infinitely more than possible. 2) heaven where there are pleasures evermore & unspeakable joy. Please choose freely to receive Jesus as your own personal Lord & Savior & do not take a chance on being wrong about eternity. Make a decision for Jesus that you can bank on secures your eternal love joy & peace. Hope to see you in heaven because once you're in hell its way too late & there's no turning back. God bless you & God bless you in Jesus Christ is God
find a church near you click churches, thank you
Matt1:25 matt13:55-56 Mary had other children after Jesus Christ is God was born
Eccl9:5 the dead know not anything
Sent from my Verizon Wireless
find a church near you click churches, thank you
Matt1:25 matt13:55-56 Mary had other children after Jesus Christ is God was born
Eccl9:5 the dead know not anything
Sent from my Verizon Wireless
Sent from my iPad 2
121012 Fri Halleluiah thank You LORD our Master Artist for special guest Brian Head Welch formerly from Korn & mosh pit. please pray & support please come God bless Tory Jodie Jeff Richard Averin Paul Gina Tina Adriana Katherine From 55fwy north, 5fwy north. Stay on 57fwy north, pass 60fwy, first exit Grand, turn right on Grand, Right on Golden Springs Dr, Left on Laverne, turn right into parking lot please carpool welcome Please please pray pray pray invite & come TODAY Free concert Ryan Pastor Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 (909)396-1884 & please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening service please be blessed with recordings of the sermons purchased at (800)272-9673 or walk into (714)540-2941 & Please listen live to 107.9fm or 660am Bakersfield Pastor's Perspective Mon-Fri 3pm PST live call in (888)564-6173 to Pastors Chuck Smith
121012 Fri Halleluiah thank You LORD our Master Artist please pray & support God bless Tory Jodie Jeff Richard Averin Paul Gina Tina Adriana Katherine From 55fwy north, 5fwy north. Stay on 57fwy north, pass 60fwy, first exit Grand, turn right on Grand, Right on Golden Springs Dr, Left on Laverne, turn right into parking lot please carpool welcome Please please pray pray pray invite & come TODAY Free concert Ryan Pastor Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 (909)396-1884 & please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening please be blessed with recordings of the sermons purchased (800)272-9673 or walk (714)540-2941 & Please listen live to 107.9fm or 660am Bakersfield www.kwve.comPastor's Perspective Mon-Fri 3pm PST live call in (888)564-6173 to Pastors Chuck Smith & Don & Thurs 6pm World News Briefs & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News & Thurs 6pm PST & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News & Please be blessed with the NEW DVD, "What God Has Rought" documentary on Pastor Chuck Smith interviewed by Calvary Chapel Pastors talking about God
121012 Fri Halleluiah thank You LORD our Master Artist please pray & support God bless Tory Jodie Jeff Richard Averin Paul Gina Tina Adriana Katherine From 55fwy north, 5fwy north. Stay on 57fwy north, pass 60fwy, first exit Grand, turn right on Grand, Right on Golden Springs Dr, Left on Laverne, turn right into parking lot please carpool welcome Please please pray pray pray invite & come TODAY Free concert Ryan Pastor Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 (909)396-1884 & please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening please be blessed with recordings of the sermons purchased (800)272-9673 or walk (714)540-2941 & Please listen live to 107.9fm or 660am Bakersfield www.kwve.comPastor's Perspective Mon-Fri 3pm PST live call in (888)564-6173 to Pastors Chuck Smith & Don & Thurs 6pm World News Briefs & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News & Thurs 6pm PST & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News & Please be blessed with the NEW DVD, "What God Has Rought" documentary on Pastor Chuck Smith interviewed by Calvary Chapel Pastors talking about God and the work He's done and continues to do through Pastor Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel because its God's work, be blessed order online at (800)272-9673 or walk in to purchase your copy (714)540-2941 & please come to Thurs 7pm &please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening service please be blessed with recordings of the sermons purchased (800)272-9673 or walk (714)540-2941 & please support this ministries Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's Military ministry & the United States of America's elite super heros & Please come to Calvary Chapel High School www.calvaryschools.org & praying the Lord Jesus Christ reveals His glorious love to you & give you a glimpse of eternity's two roads: 1) hell destruction eternally the worse day you ever had multiplied infinitely more than possible. 2) heaven where there are pleasures evermore & unspeakable joy. Please choose freely to receive Jesus as your own personal Lord & Savior & do not take a chance on being wrong about eternity. Make a decision for Jesus that you can bank on secures your eternal love joy & peace. Hope to see you in heaven because once you're in hell its way too late & there's no turning back. God bless you & God bless you in Jesus Christ is God
find a church near you click churches, thank you
Matt1:25 matt13:55-56 Mary had other children after Jesus Christ is God was born
Eccl9:5 the dead know not anything
Sent from my Verizon Wireless
121012 Fri Halleluiah thank You LORD our Master Artist please pray & support God bless Tory Jodie Jeff Richard Averin Paul Gina Tina Adriana Katherine From 55fwy north, 5fwy north. Stay on 57fwy north, pass 60fwy, first exit Grand, turn right on Grand, Right on Golden Springs Dr, Left on Laverne, turn right into parking lot please carpool welcome Please please pray pray pray invite & come TODAY Free concert Ryan Pastor Raul Ries Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 22324 Golden Springs Drive Diamond Bar, CA. 91765 (909)396-1884 & please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening please be blessed w
ith recordings of the sermons purchased (800)272-9673 or walk (714)540-2941 & Please listen live to 107.9fm or 660am Bakersfield www.kwve.comPastor's Perspective Mon-Fri 3pm PST live call in (888)564-6173 to Pastors Chuck Smith & Don & Thurs 6pm World News Briefs & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News & Thurs 6pm PST & Fri rebroadcasts of previous evenings World News & Please be blessed with the NEW DVD, "What God Has Rought" documentary on Pastor Chuck Smith interviewed by Calvary Chapel Pastors talking about God and the work He's done and continues to do through Pastor Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel because its God's work, be blessed order online at (800)272-9673 or walk in to purchase your copy (714)540-2941 & please come to Thurs 7pm &please come to Pastor Chuck Smith morning 7:45am, 9:30am, 11:15am, 7pm evening service please be blessed with recordings of the sermons purchased (800)272-9673 or walk (714)540-2941 & please support this ministries Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's Military ministry & the United States of America's elite super heros & Please come to Calvary Chapel High School www.calvaryschools.org & praying the Lord Jesus Christ reveals His glorious love to you & give you a glimpse of eternity's two roads: 1) hell destruction eternally the worse day you ever had multiplied infinitely more than possible. 2) heaven where there are pleasures evermore & unspeakable joy. Please choose freely to receive Jesus as your own personal Lord & Savior & do not take a chance on being wrong about eternity. Make a decision for Jesus that you can bank on secures your eternal love joy & peace. Hope to see you in heaven because once you're in hell its way too late & there's no turning back. God bless you & God bless you in Jesus Christ is God
find a church near you click churches, thank you
Matt1:25 matt13:55-56 Mary had other children after Jesus Christ is God was born
Eccl9:5 the dead know not anything
Sent from my Verizon Wireless
find a church near you click churches, thank you
Matt1:25 matt13:55-56 Mary had other children after Jesus Christ is God was born
Eccl9:5 the dead know not anything
Sent from my Verizon Wireless
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Re: 120914fr mark3:20-4:33 Tony DePalma
From Evernote:
120914fr mark3:20-4:33 Tony DePalma
120914 Fri book of Mark3:20-4:33, Tony DePalma
TEXT BOOK: Exploring Mark by John Philips
please be blessed & donate in furthering your kingdom & having eternal rewards waiting for you in heaven. Halleluiah God bless you. Thank you.
please be blessed pray & support these ministries Pastor Chuck Smith (800)272-9673 & Pastor Don Stewart
Mar 3:1 Again he entered the synagogue, and a man was there with a withered hand.
Jesus' custom is to be in the church
The scribes are always keeping a close eye on Jesus, they knew what was supposed to be done on the sabbath day, they knew Jesus, they recognized Jesus, that Jesus was going to heal him, so that they might accuse Jesus
Mar 3:2 And they watched Jesus, [fn] to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him.
Jesus knew this, He took the opportunity
Mar 3:3 And he said to the man with the withered hand, "Come here."
Jesus brings the man with the withered hand in the middle of everybody
Mar 3:4 And he said to them, "Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill?" But they were silent.
If Jesus doesn't save then that's to destroy
Jesus & the scribes were total contrary to one another
The scribes didn't see the need of the man with the withered hand
Mar 3:5 And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and his hand was restored.
healthy anger
sin grieves Jesus
restored=this word has the idea that it was once not ok but then restored
Mar 3:6 The Pharisees went out and immediately held counsel with the Herodians against him, how to destroy him.
Jesus on the move & the Pharisees plot conspire to kill Jesus
Herod is a descendant of Esau
Jesus is descendant of Jacob
The Herodians & the Jews did not get along at the time
Herod the king descended from Esau
Jesus the true King from Jacbo, living in Peter's house who is the king
Lets take a break
any questions?
Tony: The benefits derived from taking a sabbath benefits you. God is not benefitted by you taking a sabbath. He writes that law that's written on our heart. He
after break:
Jesus withdrew
Mar 3:7 Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea, and a great crowd followed, from Galilee and Judea
Mar 3:8 and Jerusalem and Idumea and from beyond the Jordan and from around Tyre and Sidon. When the great crowd heard all that he was doing, they came to him.
they were coming to Him solely for what He was doing
People should come to Him because He is God, He is Messiah
The amount of grace He gives to us is amazing.
Mar 3:9 And he told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd, lest they crush him,
pressed=crush, the same word of for crushing grapes
the boat is being rowed by the disciples near the shore where Jesus is walking
Mar 3:10 for he had healed many, so that all who had diseases pressed around him to touch him.
Mar 3:11 And whenever the unclean spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, "You are the Son of God."
the demons SAW = studying
Jesus did not want the demons declaring who Jesus was
But The scribes did not see what the demons saw
The demons are helpless before Jesus
Mar 3:12 And he strictly ordered them not to make him known.
Demons obey God but we sometimes do not
Mar 3:13 And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him.
Mar 3:14 And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach
There 12 tribes in the old covenant, there's 12 disciples of Jesus
They were there to be with Him
what are we to do as Jesus' disciples,
Mar 3:15 and have authority to cast out demons.
we are to spend time with Jesus too, then preach, heal, cast out demons... we are to do what Jesus did to build the kingdom of God
Mar 3:16 He appointed the twelve: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter);
Mar 3:17 James the son of Zebedee and John the brother of James (to whom he gave the name Boanerges, that is, Sons of Thunder);
Mar 3:18 Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Cananaean,
Mar 3:19 and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.
start class
discussion questions
what is the blaspheme of the holy spirit. Brian- Mark3:24-29. Valarie-that demons can't cast out demons. Brian-at work people use the name "Jesus" out of anger, but Jesus says He forgives even of that, but those that don't want to know Jesus will not be forgiven. Valarie-my brother in Canada... Bine-i think you're right. Sunny-i think youre right. Brian-JWs think Christians have demons
2. Mark4:12 implications, Val, Bina, once we're forgiven we can see. Val-when we see our own guilt sin, we can see. Like Chuck say, the scales fall off our eyes. Brian: like Saul the scales fell off his eyes... the natural man can't see the things of God. people without the Holy Spirit don't understand the things of God
3. what is up with Jesus sleeping in the boat. Bine: i love the commentary, Jesus wasn't worried, so He was sleeping like a baby. Once we know the Lord nothing else matters. Lord, help me know. I like what Philips is talking about. Val: yeah, look at the world killings... the world has no peace, we don't have to worry. Brian-the disciples said to Jesus, "Lord don't you care" Jesus saying "I'm with you all the way" its not easy going through it but we have to know the promises of God, but its easy to go back to the old pattern the old nature, but God says, "You don't; have to worry, I'm with you.." Val: he know God was with him he wasn't going to drown. They expected the kingdom... Brian-Joseph in slavery, his brothers betrayed him, but Joseph knew that the Lord was with him. Val: Joseph was a type of Jesus. I was sick sin I was... I have lots of meds, & surgeries, during that time, "Why is this happening to me, everytime I had a sense of peace, I felt really at peace, I knew I still had a future with my husband. God was bringing me through the other side. God did. God is always with us. I still suffered through it. Every day is filled with joy. Every night I feel so close to Him. It really strengthens me. We've been married about 30 years, through my illness my husband has been with me through it all when so many would leave. Not all of us get to be Joseph. But God is faithful to all His children. My mother watched me for 20 years & before she died she gave her life to the Lord.
prayer before teaching
Mar 3:20 Then he went home, and the crowd gathered again, so that they could not even eat.
The news is going all around about what Jesus is doing.
The word about Jesus is going every where, its common for crowds to gather, they couldn't get food because of the immensity of the crowds
Mar 3:21 And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, "He is out of his mind."
Think of Jesus' family, they hear of all these things Jesus is doing, the family is hearing, what is their response, "He's crazy, He's embarrassing us, get Him home"
Mar 3:22 And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, "He is possessed by Beelzebul," and "by the prince of demons he casts out the demons."
The scribes ares saying He was possessed
Tony: I don't think Jesus' mother Mary was excelling Jesus into ministry at the wedding.
21-34 is the same thought but there's another story in between, I don't think Mary is fully aware of who Jesus is at this time, just as the disciples, scribes were not sure, no one was sure.
Bradley: Jn2:4-5
Tony: This event in Mark4 is probably after John2:4-5
Mary is not quoted as saying anything
Jesus' response & those two stories gives us an idea of what Jesus' family was thinking
I don't think Mary is completely convinced, she's telling Jesus what to do but that will never work. Jesus tells us what to do.
I'm like you Bradley, we have traditions we are brought up with, Mary is highly exalted above women, but Mary is a natural woman that needs her Son to save her.
Bradley: When Mary was pregnant & had to tell Joseph, so it baffles me that Mary didn't get it.
Bine: Its like all of us, God tells us things and we soon forget.
Tony: What Jesus came to do was no where near what they thought Jesus came to do.
Valarie: Mary probably didn't want her Son to be hurt by the Pharisees, so she probably wanted Jesus to be safe
Andrew: perhaps she wanted Him out of there
Tony: His family thought Jesus was out of His mind
Mark3:22 Jesus dialogues with the pharisees, invites them to come dialogue with Him
Mar 3:23 And he called them to him and said to them in parables, "How can Satan cast out Satan?
Parable=earthly story to explain a spiritual truth
Mark1 Jesus casts out demons, these are the actions of Jesus, Jesus is moving and people are hearing what He is doing
Jesus gives an example of a kingdom
Mar 3:24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
Mar 3:25 And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.
the same thought a family at war with itself will not be one
Mar 3:26 And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end.
satan against himself will come to an end
illogical thing to say to Jesus, they were ascribing to Jesus He was ruled by Satan
Mar 3:27 But no one can enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house.
the strongman=satan
Jesus is here to set men free
The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to [them that are] bound;
Satan has no power unless we give him that power
Mar 3:28 "Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter,
Mar 3:29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin"--
Mar 3:30 for they were saying, "He has an unclean spirit."
The scribes were atributing the work of the Holy Spirit to the work of satan
Isaiah5:20 a person that's calling a work of God evil is endanger of the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit
if you're concerned about this, you probably haven't committed it, even if you have committed this you can still be forgiven
The things God is doing people say its the work of Satan,
taking what God is doing and calling it evil is blaspheme of the Holy Spirit
Mar 3:31 And his mother and his brothers came, and standing outside they sent to him and called him.
back to Jesus' family, they send someone else to get Jesus
Mar 3:32 And a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, "Your mother and your brothers [fn] are outside, seeking you."
Jesus is not being rude, but Jesus understands their reason for coming, they believed Jesus had lost their minds
why do you think these two stories are tied together?
its not as severe as the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit but they are trying to take Jesus out of God's ministry
Bradley: it doesn't say...
Tony: Mark3:20-21, Mt12:46-50, Luke
While he yet talked to the people, behold, [his] mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.
Mar 3:20 Then he went home, and the crowd gathered again, so that they could not even eat.
Mar 3:21 And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, "He is out of his mind."
Mat 12:47 Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.
Mat 12:48 But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?
Mat 12:49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!
Mat 12:50 �=
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Fwd: 120904 Tues Pastor's Perspective notes
From Evernote:
120904 Tues Pastor's Perspective notes
120904 Mon-Thurs 3pm PST Pastor's Perspective live call in (888)564-6173
please be blessed & donate in furthering your kingdom & having eternal rewards waiting for you in heaven. Halleluiah God bless you. Thank you.
please be blessed pray & support these ministries Pastor Chuck Smith (800)272-9673 & Pastor Don Stewart
Please be blessed & come to FREE CONCERTS this Saturday 9/8/12 at 6pm & Sunday 9/9/12 4pm at
music bands:
Jeremy Camp Official Website
Steven Curtis Chapman
Lecrae Christian Rap/Hip Hop
David Crowder Band
Phil Wickham
The Katinas
Nick Vujicic
Pastor Greg Laurie.
1Jn5:12-13 know what God says rely on His word
Mike, Lake Elsinore: Thank you, Pastor Chuck I hope you're doing well. I'm a believer who did something foolish drinking for several days straight, my beautiful wife left with our baby.
Chuck: No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. Mike, that wasn't a wise thing you did in drinking... God can help you in that area. Father we thank You that we can come to you in a situation like this. You are our present help in time of trouble. LORD would You work in Mike & heal this marriage in Jesus name amen.
Don: Mary, Santa Ana
Mary, Santa Ana: I'm thanking the LORD for you Pastor Chuck & you. Pastor Chuck taught me not to fear... Do you were at the Sermon on the Mount, I sat next to you, I said, "May I hug you, because my friend wanted me to hug you for her." She was so thrilled. I believe the rapture only believers go up. We are the only ones to meet Him in the air...
Chuck: Jesus tells us that there are going to be those that are left behind. Jesus says... "...depart from me you workers of iniquity" the Lord is denying those professing believers
Don: John7 there are going to be professing believers will not make it into heaven. Chuck, you've been vicariously hugged by so many people. Mary, glad you were on the trip to Israel 2010
Crystal, SD: Hello. What does the Bible say about honoring the sabbath?
Don: are you asking if a believer should observe the sabbath?
Crystal: No, how does a believer honor the LORD on the sabbath
Chuck: The real intent of the sabbath is giving to the LORD. It wasn't a day off to go to church for an hour then entertaining yourself the rest of the day. But the day was a day of worship to grow close to Him in His word, I think that's the proper way to keep the sabbath. The Sabbath was a covenant a mark that marked the people of Israel as a mark of being God's people. The Sabbath was not for the Gentiles. For Christians a day with Him is good
Don: Ex31:16-17 perpetual covenant, part of training is rest. Take a time off to think about & meditate upon the things of God. Ex31:14 scares people, that's not for the new testament church today
Hector, Fortworth TX: Hello Chuck & Don, may the LORD bless you. Pastor Chuck you sound full of strength. We have a friend struggling in their marriage, what do you tell her
Chuck: The Bible gives two simple rule, one for the wife & one for the husband, to the husband: love your wife supremely as Jesus loves the church self sacrificingly. for the wife: love & submit to your husband, we'll come back to this after the break
after break:
Don: please continue Pastor Chuck
Chuck: For the wife, love your husband & submit to him in all things. The Lord knows we men want to feel we're in control. If you're a smart wife you'll let us think that. When you trust the Lord she will easily submit to you. But if you're not trusting the Lord then she wants to prove herself, that makes the husband unresponsive & cold. Then the wife can't submit to brute force. If you follow them it could be beautiful. but if you break them it won't work
Don: The cave man mentality doesn't work.
Jason, Hemet: Thank you. Glad you're back Pastor Don. I'm coming back from San Diego. My wife is having contractions, two weeks early. prayer.
Chuck: Father we do thank you for little Jeremiah David, Lord give her a safe delivery, give her a blessing to them. Bless now we pray, preside over this in Jesus name amen.
Don: Thank you Jason for your serving our country.
John, Pocatello Idaho: God bless you gentlemen & Papa Chuck praying for you. I've been praying for a woman, I'm in love with her, she doesn't feel that way. I don't know if I should be praying for because she has free will. I don't want to know if its God or satan trying to keep us apart.
Don: Chuck, what should he pray
Chuck: The Lord's will be done, "Lord accomplish Your will be done" I'm not going to tell you what it should be. if its the Lord's will, its the best.
Don: Yeah, God wants what's best for you. Down the line you realize God's will was best for you. He knows best, He knows us better than we know ourselves
Bernadette, Pekipsi NY: My son in Jehovah's Witness when he was young through his father. He's 20 years old now... I just keep my mouth shut. I ask him what's going on. He works with Jehovah's Witnesses. The communications is difficult. The Jehovah's Witnesses are cults...
Don: Ok Chuck, they've been estranged for a while... what does she do after all these years?
Chuck: Prayer changes things, it surely can change his relationship with his mother & with God. Pray the Lord touch his heart, show him his need to turn to Jesus.
Don: Because of your history with him, pray the LORD brings someone to him with the same message you have. So Chuck, why don't you pray for him.
Chuck: Father we bring Bernadette to you & her son, open his heart, cause him to realize the folly of the teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses, help him now in Jesus name amen.
Don: So Bernadette, we'll pray for your son
Eva: I was raised in the Baptist church, I raised my children in the church. I was taught if you were saved & baptized you would never lose your salvation. My daughter & her friend were killed in a car accident. Teenagers can rebel at times. Can she have gone to heaven
Chuck: You have to leave it in the hands of the Lord. What is so painful is you don't know. Maybe in that last moment she cried out to the Lord. You have to leave it to the Lord, He is faithful He is just, He is right.
Don: He knows your heart. 2Cor1:3-4 the God of comfort comfort your heart. Jn7:17 if your daughter wanted to know the Lord she could have known. In the end we don't know. Chuck
Chuck: Father we thank You that Youre not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentence. Comfort Eva with Your love & Your goodness that You are a loving forgiving compassionate God.
Don: how often people before getting into an accident people cry out Jesus. Like the criminal on the cross with Jesus, "remember me"
Kevin, NV: what does the Bible say about people never had a chance to hear about the word
Chuck: Those who knew the will of the Father and didn't do it, beaten with many stripes, but those who didn't know few stripes beaten. To whom much is given much is required.
Don: Jn7:17, & Acts Cornelius wanted to know the Lord & God sent Peter. God puts on peoples heart to go preach the gospel to those who are really seeking God 2pt3:9
Chuck: Its exciting how God has given us the technology to get His word out to all around the world.
Don: Its amazing how many people are listening & watching all around the world on iphones, ipads, we thank God for those who want to hear it.
Patrick, Lone Star state TX: Genesis, the mention of pride with Eve.
Chuck: The Bible doesn't give us all the names of the children of Adam & Eve, they could have a child each year, but the Bible only tells us "sons & daughters". About the time Cain killed his brother he was about 30 years old, so Adam & Eve could have many children. I have four children but so many more grandchildren. So the gene pool was clean, there were many choices of wifes
130 years old when Adam when he had Seth
Phyllis: I'm having problems with my neighbors, I think they're practicing witchcraft. I had an accident, I think it was them. I'm Jewish. My husbands ill... called the police.
Chuck: Praying is the answer she mentioned. Pray God gives her wisdom. LORD give them confusion, bring judgment upon their lives 2Cor10:4 witchcraft is the stronghold by which the enemy uses to control people. But greater is He in you than he that's in the world
Don: Job could not be touched by satan 2Cor10:12 the LORD will not give you more than you are able to handle. Don't be afraid of people because the Lord has you in His hands. Remember to pray for these people & Jeremiah David. Pray because we hear back from these people. The good LORD willing see you tomorrow, until then may the Lord richly bless bye
book recommended by Pastor Chuck Smith, "The God Who Was There" by Francis Schaeffer, shows the deficiencies of each philosophical systems
Halleluiah please be blessed with the Tape, CD, DVD recording for tonight (800)272-9673 or purchase it at (714)540-2941
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please call in (888) 564-6173
1) Mon-Thurs 3pm PST Pastor's Perspective Pastors Chuck Smith Don Stewart
1) Mon-Thurs 3pm PST Pastor's Perspective (888) 564-6173
Pastors Chuck Smith (800)272-9673 &
Don Stewart
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3) Saturdays 2pm-4pm PST The Advocate Radio Program (888) 564-6173
is a "live" call-in talk show
providing a Biblically based alternative to other "advice shows" as well as a legal perspective which helps Listeners resolve their oftentimes complex personal and legal problems.
Host Janet Carter has a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology and has been a practicing Christian attorney for over 16 years, serving many churches, non-profit ministries and Christian clientele.
Halleluiah! Thank You LORD for answering the prayers of Your saints for Pastor Chuck Smith, halleluiah the LORD healed Pastor Chuck, thank You Lord Jesus Christ. Please Lord bless Your people praying & bless Pastor Chuck & Mrs. Kay Smith will continually good health for Your glory in Jesus name amen.
please pray the LORD heals Pastor Chuck Smith of lung cancer & Please be blessed with Pastor Chuck Smith & Don Stewart in Israel Feb 22, 2011 with the best Inspired Travel Agency 3000 W Macarthur Blvd # 203 Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714)957-8606 & Calvary's Military ministry
Dan Wooding's
Scott Cunningham, director of school for sincere Christians MUSICIANS who want to serve the LORD (please pray and support this ministry, all you musicians give it up to Jesus, your gifts and talents are not to be squandered, do not be adulterous, the LORD is your husband, give Him your life, your gifts, let Him open up the windows of heaven to you as you totally surrender your life to Jesus Christ is God.
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
3800 S. Fairview Rd (between Sunflower & MacArthur)
Santa Ana, CA 92704
services daily, all Sunday services & many evening services provide childcare while you're in the services
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Scriptures from:
the LORD's blessing me to try these free Bible softwares for iPad, these are so far my favorites, takes time to get familiar, but easiest to use Pocketsword, Blueletterbible , the Holy Bible, ESV Bible praying He blesses us all to fall deeply in love with Him & blesses these organizations abundantly above & beyond all they could ask or think for His glory in Jesus name. Thank you, you're a blessing, He loves you so much, remember how He hung on the cross for you, He was thinking about you.
Power BibleCD is Copyright 2004 by Online Publishing, Inc.
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Power BibleCD is programmed by Brandon Staggs.
couple of announcements: (please be blessed let God prepare you)
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Main Sanctuary (unless otherwise specified)
weekday services
Please come be blessed as Pastor Chuck Smith teaches 4 services (800)272-9673 107.9fm Pastor's Perspective Mon-Thurs 3pm PST, Thurs 6pm PST,
11:15am live on 107.9fm
Evangelical service with Pastor Garid Beeler
Married Couples group with Pastor Brian & Cheryl Brodersen (Fellowship Hall)
7pm Pastor John Hwang planter missionary to Brazil he is also starting a Portuguese Bible study Tuesdays 7pm at inside the Family Room
7pm Pastor Tommy Cota inside Logos Sanctuary
Pastor Karl Corcoran
The heart of Believers Plugged In is to see all believers, whether new in their faith or well seasoned in their walk, rooted and built up in the Lord. We desire to dissect the Word of God and get to the roots of the biblical foundations of our faith. To do this, we come together every Tuesday night for a time of worship and in depth study of the Bible. Following this corporate time, the body breaks into small groups to complete the 14-week small group study curriculum. It is in this small group setting that true fellowship, discussion, and biblical understanding is developed. Small group leaders serve to come alongside each individual and encourage them in their faith. Upon completion of the small group curriculum, each believer gains a deeper understanding the Word of God, newfound relationships with fellow believers, and a desire to stay plugged into the Source through serving in a ministry themselves.
Pastor Brian Brodersen
Pastor Brian Brodersen teaches the mid-week Bible study every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Main Sanctuary. These studies take an in-depth look at various books of the Bible from a historical, theological and practical perspective. Along with the Bible study we enjoy inspiring times of worship led by Scott Cunningham and other gifted worship leaders. Brian is currently teaching verse by verse through Paul's epistle to the Romans.
Wednesday Nights
7:00 PM
Children's Ministry
Wednesday night discipleship for boys and girls (2-6th grades) in the way "Jesus Walked" based on Proverbs 2. Lessons are Christ centered and biblically based.
Thursday Mornings 10am Main Sanctuary The Word Among Us A study taught by Pastor John Henry Corcoran. John teaches every Thursday morning at 10:00 am in the Main Sanctuary. This morning study is great for those unable to attend in the evenings or anyone who has the morning free. John is currently teaching through the Gospel of John.
7pm Men's Ministry Led by Pastor Brian Brodersen and several small group leaders. The purpose of the men's fellowship is to connect men with the Lord and one another. We study together, discuss and pray together each Thursday evening. We also enjoy short-term missions trips, retreats and an occasional barbecue or taco fest. The men's fellowship meets every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM in the Main Sanctuary.
Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study 7pm (in the Fellowship Hall) a study through various books of the Bible. The study begins with contemporary worship followed by a Bible lecture taught by different gifted women teachers. The evening ends with discussion groups that minister to each other about the portion of scripture studied and explored each week. Childcare is provided.
Ladies with Cheryl Brodersen Please be blessed Ladies Get plugged in Friday morning Joyful Life the women meet in discussion groups to explore the passage of scripture studied that week. After the group discussion the women gather in the main sanctuary at 10:15 AM for worship by various anointed musicians followed by a Biblical lecture taught by Cheryl Brodersen. Childcare is provided.
Friday Night 7:30pm Main Sanctuary is led by Pastor Michael Smith, and is geared toward equipping believers for works of service. Along with teaching through books of the Bible, Michael brings in various guest ministries from around the world to share about the many opportunities to serve the Lord available to the young and not so young. Michael is currently teaching through the Book of Acts
6:30am Pastor Phil Twente study Prayer in the bible.
7am Pastor Jerry White, Men's Bible study/coffee
7:30pm Creation Fellowship (Science proves the Bible is true) meets 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month
Please see the bulletin for much more:
Fwd: Note from 1342–1346 S Coast Dr
From Evernote:
Note from 1342–1346 S Coast Dr
120904 Tues Isaiah5 Pastor John Hwang
scriptures from
New Living Translation (NLT)
Isaiah - Chapter 5
The Theme of This book, Salvation, the central focus of this book is Jesus Christ
Isaiah5 is a Song
Isa 5:1 Now I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My beloved had a vineyard on a rich and fertile hill.
The wellbeloved is God,
Isaiah had a close relationship with God
do you have a endearing name for God
The story of redemption, salvation, restoration
God wants deep personal relationship
Isaiah gets it, he realizes its about an intimate relationship
Isaiah5:7 the Vineyard is Israel
This is a song about God & His vineyard Judah
Isa 5:2 He plowed the land, cleared its stones, and planted it with the best vines. In the middle he built a watchtower and carved a winepress in the nearby rocks. Then he waited for a harvest of sweet grapes, but the grapes that grew were bitter.
In this song its about God & Judah, He cared for His vineyard, ...
The reason He did this, anticipating a good crop & good wine
God lavished his vineyard with good care
The vineyard produced wild grapes instead of good grapes, stink fruit, it was rotten, it stank
here God is demonstrated good, but something rotten was produced, this is the Spiritual condition of Israel & Judah
Isa 5:3 Now, you people of Jerusalem and Judah, you judge between me and my vineyard.
3-6 God is speaking addressing His people as members of a jury, requesting a fair hearing
God is putting Judah & Israel on trial, but the very people on trial are right now in the jury box
Isa 5:4 What more could I have done for my vineyard that I have not already done? When I expected sweet grapes, why did my vineyard give me bitter grapes?
God is calling His people to stay averted,
God is asking, "What more could have been done by Him for the vineyard"
God provided the best care yet the vineyard produced stink fruit
the problem was not with God, the problem was with God
The vineyard coming to the verdict would recognize the problem is with them not with God
Isa 5:5 Now let me tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will tear down its hedges and let it be destroyed. I will break down its walls and let the animals trample it.
Isa 5:6 I will make it a wild place where the vines are not pruned and the ground is not hoed, a place overgrown with briers and thorns. I will command the clouds to drop no rain on it.
So here God tells His audience what He's going to do, He will make it a wasteland
when we think of a vineyard we think of it flourishing good crop
when you have a vineyard that's not producing fruit then the best thing to do is clear it out
God is describing drought & famine, Deu28:23-24 God warned the results of rebellion by His people Israel & Judah
Looking back to 722BC Israel fell to Assyria
Judah & Jerusalem fell to Babylon 586BC,
70 years Jerusalem was exactly as God said, briers & Thorns
Isa 5:7 The nation of Israel is the vineyard of the LORD of Heaven's Armies. The people of Judah are his pleasant garden. He expected a crop of justice, but instead he found oppression. He expected to find righteousness, but instead he heard cries of violence.
God reminding the people He was looking for good fruit, justice, but all He heard was a cry for help
In Hebrew language, these words are in word play
justice same as blood shed
in english this verse sounds something like this
did he find right or riot...
God the wellbeloved planted a vineyard, He poured into it care, & protection, He deserved good fruit
8-30 Isaiah listed the stink fruit, the 6 woes=expression of grief & judgment
8-10 the first woe
Isa 5:8 What sorrow for you who buy up house after house and field after field, until everyone is evicted and you live alone in the land.
The first woe=addresses the sin of covetousness, the 10th commandment, Ex20
the word covet=mean to desire something some else has
shopping malls, people go there every week worshipping things, "I wish I had that"
its worship, its covetousness
especially when you're driven by it
The shopping malls are dedicated to covetousness
Here Isaiah
quote by... amos2:6-8 the powerful rich to deceitfully exploit the poor
houses & fields were being seized from the poor by the rich for their own
Isa 5:9 But I have heard the LORD of Heaven's Armies swear a solemn oath: "Many houses will stand deserted; even beautiful mansions will be empty.
Isa 5:10 Ten acres [fn] of vineyard will not produce even six gallons [fn] of wine. Ten baskets of seed will yield only one basket [fn] of grain."
This is God's response to the exploiters, He would reduce their production
one bath=6 gallons
out of 10 acre of vineyard, only 6 gallons worth of fruit
you're sowing much more than you're return
If you're going to be oppressing the poor, all you acquire, God will make it produce nothing, there will be famine in your land
Isa 5:11 What sorrow for those who get up early in the morning looking for a drink of alcohol and spend long evenings drinking wine to make themselves flaming drunk.
Isa 5:12 They furnish wine and lovely music at their grand parties— lyre and harp, tambourine and flute— but they never think about the LORD or notice what he is doing.
2nd sin was drunkness Eph5: drunkness, addicted to intoxicating drink, enslaved to wine, wine was their life
Because they were worshipping wine they didn't recognize what God was doing
Drunkness goes beyond the symptoms, its idolatry, alcohol has become your god
This is not an issue about whether Christians drinking alcohol
This issue is about letting something else rule your life other than Jesus
Isa 5:13 So my people will go into exile far away because they do not know me. Those who are great and honored will starve, and the common people will die of thirst.
Isa 5:14 The grave [fn] is licking its lips in anticipation, opening its mouth wide. The great and the lowly and all the drunken mob will be swallowed up.
Isa 5:15 Humanity will be destroyed, and people brought down; even the arrogant will lower their eyes in humiliation.
Isa 5:16 But the LORD of Heaven's Armies will be exalted by his justice. The holiness of God will be displayed by his righteousness.
Isa 5:17 In that day lambs will find good pastures, and fattened sheep and young goats [fn] will feed among the ruins.
For me words matter
I've learned over the years, being a student of the word, & a teacher of the word, I see this conjuctive adverb connects verse 17 to 18... sinful life styles results in bad results
The law of sowing & reaping, what you do is what you get
13-15 pronounces captivity, humiliation, Judah will be taken away into captivity, ...
both the unrepented coveteous & drunkard will go into sheol, the place of the dead, the Hebrew word for the realm of the dead
These people who think they're going to live forever, their greed, their covetousness they think when they get what they want will make them happy, they think when they die someone else will have it,
people with bumper stickers "those who dies with the most toys win" they're wrong
16-17 God's judgment against Israel & Judah will show His holiness, God keeps His holy word as a covenant
God will restore His people, Isa 5:16 But the LORD of Heaven's Armies will be exalted by his justice. The holiness of God will be displayed by his righteousness.
Isa 5:17 In that day lambs will find good pastures, and fattened sheep and young goats [fn] will feed among the ruins.
The reason why God disciplines is to bring back His people to Himself
Isa 5:18 What sorrow for those who drag their sins behind them with ropes made of lies, who drag wickedness behind them like a cart!
Isa 5:19 They even mock God and say, "Hurry up and do something! We want to see what you can do. Let the Holy One of Israel carry out his plan, for we want to know what it is."
3rd woe, against those bound by sin that speak flippantly
The name "holy one of Israel" is used 25 times in the book of Isaiah, the holy one of Israel is not to be treated like this, mocked, openly living in sin before God, challenging God to do something, to judge as God has said, just mocking God.
Lots of people still do that today
Those people that say, "I'm just going to keep living my life and when I get to heaven I'm going to tell Him a thing or two"
People who sin, confess their sin & keep doing it again, repeatedly, confessing to the point of mockery, thinking you got away with it the first time so you keep doing it again.
You misunderstand God's mercy, judgment is going to come
Paul writing to the Romans God's mercy
People are so bold to live in sin openly, they mock God they think they're going to get away with it.
Isa 5:20 What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.
People were people were speaking a language from God but not God's dictionary
When Christians compromise, the things that once shocked no longer shock, thinking, "Its not so bad"
We allow culture to shape & mold our view rather than God, justifying things
When we used to cringe hearing people, using the name of Jesus in vain, now we're ok with it.
That's the way people talk in tv & movies
we have to be so careful not to allow the world conform our view
the 5th woe, pride
Isa 5:21 What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyes and think themselves so clever.
"Their own" assumed they knew better than God, the most arrogant way to think
Proverbs14:12 the end is death
Pro3:5-7 trust in the Lord with all your heart.... do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord & depart from evil.
The best way to demonstrate we trust the Lord is to acknowledge the LORD daily, instead of acting on our own
Isa 5:22 What sorrow for those who are heroes at drinking wine and boast about all the alcohol they can hold.
Isa 5:23 They take bribes to let the wicked go free, and they punish the innocent.
6th woe of injustice
the judges were to judge wicked & letting the innocent free, but it was not that way
Isa 5:24 Therefore, just as fire licks up stubble and dry grass shrivels in the flame, so their roots will rot and their flowers wither. For they have rejected the law of the LORD of Heaven's Armies; they have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
Isa 5:25 That is why the LORD's anger burns against his people, and why he has raised his fist to crush them. The mountains tremble, and the corpses of his people litter the streets like garbage. But even then the LORD's anger is not satisfied. His fist is still poised to strike!
describes Gods justice against the injustices of Judah & Israel
verse24 God comparing them to cut down flowers
verse25 thoroughness of coming judgment
Isa 5:26 He will send a signal to distant nations far away and whistle to those at the ends of the earth. They will come racing toward Jerusalem.
Isa 5:27 They will not get tired or stumble. They will not stop for rest or sleep. Not a belt will be loose, not a sandal strap broken.
Isa 5:28 Their arrows will be sharp and their bows ready for battle. Sparks will fly from their horses' hooves, and the wheels of their chariots will spin like a whirlwind.
Isa 5:29 They will roar like lions, like the strongest of lions. Growling, they will pounce on their victims and carry them off, and no one will be there to rescue them.
Isa 5:30 They will roar over their victims on that day of destruction like the roaring of the sea. If someone looks across the land, only darkness and distress will be seen; even the light will be darkened by clouds.
God in judgement, God is going to send the Assyrians to Judah & Babylon to Jerusalem as the description prey attack
God's hand will not come down until His judgment is complete
God loves His people
God loved His vineyard, cared for His vineyard, their actions brought their judgment
things look different in Isaiah6
1-6 always breath taking to me
Isa 6:1 It was in the year King Uzziah died [fn] that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple.
739BC Isaiah saw the LORD=Adonai, sovereign LORD
Jn12:41 Isaiah saw Jesus on the throne
Use your imagination, the Lord is in His temple, it appears, Isaiah was in His te
Friday, August 31, 2012
Fwd: 120831 Fri book of Mark 1, Tony DePalma
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120831 Fri book of Mark 1, Tony DePalma
120831 Fri book of Mark 1, Tony DePalma
TEXT BOOK: Exploring Mark by John Philips
Aim to be like Jesus, serve as Jesus served
after class, I will post a question on Populi, you are required to answer it
keep a journal, every thursday write a summary & hand those in.
Populi is a test right now
email 5 questions with the answer on the text book, 10 question quizzes, next class has 15 question (the toughest week), no make up quizzes
Term Paper, pick 5 verses that speak to you from the book of Mark, pull everything you can from the gospel. I want a one page outline of what you're to be writing about. On the last day these presentation will be done. Audit students are not required to do this. This is a very comfortable class.
any questions:
we're going to do a overview of the book, you'll see the purpose why Mark wrote these things.
female: When are the questions due?
Tony: midnight Friday morning (thursday night after 11:59pm-12am)
email questions in the email.
When you read I wanted you to read chapter one of the book of Mark & the commentary
I bought everyone journals so you can write in them. If you started one already, that's fine, I started mine too.
Lets pray
Mark, a little bit of background information
The book of Mark, is written by John Mark act12:12-25, 13, 15, col4, philomen4, 1pt 2tim
he's a relative, Mary's son
Barnabas' nephew is Mark, Paul & Barnabas had a falling out because of Mark
at the end of Paul's life Paul calls Mark back
There's thought that Mark puts himself into the text as the boy that ran away,
Mark is attempting to write in written form the oral tradition of the apostles... help to Peter
Acts 10:34-43
Act 10:34 So Peter opened his mouth and said: "Truly I understand that God shows no partiality,
Act 10:35 but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
Act 10:36 As for the word that he sent to Israel, preaching good news of peace through Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all),
Act 10:37 you yourselves know what happened throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee after the baptism that John proclaimed:
Act 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.
Act 10:39 And we are witnesses of all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree,
Act 10:40 but God raised him on the third day and made him to appear,
Act 10:41 not to all the people but to us who had been chosen by God as witnesses, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.
Act 10:42 And he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead.
Act 10:43 To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name."
this is the tradition that Mark is trying to write this down
the timing is vague, maybe near Peter's life
Mt, Mk, Luke, synoptic, they have mostly the same content
Mark's gospel speaks of Jesus who He was, its still the same message, we see Him as a servant, Mark-Jesus the Servant, Mat-Jesus the King, Luke-Jesus the Man.
Mark is writing as a servant, restored by Paul
the time it was written: Emperor Nero, Paul in prison, Peter preaching
Nero was raising taxes, oppressing,
its assumed he burned the whole city, to avoid suspicion on himself, Nero blamed Christians
Rome was done with many religions,
Nero chose Christians to be the blame for the fires, he starts killing Christians who were put into arenas to be killed by animals, also Christians were put on poles killed
Mark's heart as a Pastor was to write to the Romans, Christians were meeting in these catacombs where the dead were
Mark was writing to the Christians to persevere, that Christians should suffer because Jesus suffered, Judas betrayed Jesus. Jesus was persecuted by the Pharisees & the Romans were tracking down Jesus
Christians had turned on other Christians, Mark was calling the Christian traders to come back because there was still time for them to come back.
The gospel of Mark, its Jesus is always heading to the cross
the first chapters Mark 1-8 is all about Jesus' ministry
the next 8 chapters is about Jesus going to the cross
Mark is relaying the message: You need to evaluate where you are at, what are you going to do with Jesus, Jesus is reliable
at the end of Mark's gospel the disciples all abandon Jesus
We can take & relate Mark's gospel & bring the teachings of Jesus into our lives today
Jesus continues to serve God the Father & Jesus acts righteously in the face of persecution
We can feel what is being described
This gospel is about Jesus the Faithful Servant of God
Focusing on Jesus' acts
any questions
Let's read Mark1
Ryan: the Christians were persecuted for no reason, is it because Christians wouldn't call Nero Lord?
Tony: I don't know, but Christians were isolating themselves from the debauchery of Rome, maybe that's why Nero chose to persecute The Christians. Does that answer you're question
Valerie: I took a class... Nero was trying to kill everyone... the fire didn't work, so Nero chose to blame the Christians who were the underdogs that no one liked.
Tony: I believe Nero killed both Paul & Peter
We're going to read the whole chapter, we'll try to hit as much as we can
after reading Mark1
what do you see stand out to you
male: Jesus ministering.
Tony: Immediately Jesus serves
Valerie: Jesus is very active, though He's giving out lots of power, Jesus takes a moment to pray to get power from the Father.
Tony: Being a servant Jesus has to find out what to do from the Father
anything missing
male: the birth account of Jesus
Tony: no genealogy, the book of Mark goes directly to the beginning of the good news
What is the good news, what is the gospel?
Jan: forgiveness of sins, salvation
male: grace
Tony: I think Paul describes the good news in 1cor15 NLT 1Corinthians
1Cr 15:1 Let me now remind you, dear brothers and sisters,[fn1] of the Good News I preached to you before. You welcomed it then, and you still stand firm in it.
1Cr 15:2 It is this Good News that saves you if you continue to believe the message I told you—unless, of course, you believed something that was never true in the first place.[fn2]
1Cr 15:3 I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said.
1Cr 15:4 He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said.
1Cr 15:5 He was seen by Peter[fn3] and then by the Twelve.
1Cr 15:6 After that, he was seen by more than 500 of his followers[fn4] at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died.
1Cr 15:7 Then he was seen by James and later by all the apostles.
1Cr 15:8 Last of all, as though I had been born at the wrong time, I also saw him.
1Cr 15:9 For I am the least of all the apostles. In fact, I'm not even worthy to be called an apostle after the way I persecuted God's church.
1Cr 15:10 But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me—and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.
1Cr 15:11 So it makes no difference whether I preach or they preach, for we all preach the same message you have already believed.
1Cr 15:12 But tell me this—since we preach that Christ rose from the dead, why are some of you saying there will be no resurrection of the dead?
1Cr 15:13 For if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised either.
1Cr 15:14 And if Christ has not been raised, then all our preaching is useless, and your faith is useless.
1Cr 15:15 And we apostles would all be lying about God—for we have said that God raised Christ from the grave. But that can't be true if there is no resurrection of the dead.
1Cr 15:16 And if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised.
1Cr 15:17 And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless and you are still guilty of your sins.
1Cr 15:18 In that case, all who have died believing in Christ are lost!
1Cr 15:19 And if our hope in Christ is only for this life, we are more to be pitied than anyone in the world.
1Cr 15:20 But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead. He is the first of a great harvest of all who have died.
1Cr 15:21 So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man.
1Cr 15:22 Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.
1Cr 15:23 But there is an order to this resurrection: Christ was raised as the first of the harvest; then all who belong to Christ will be raised when he comes back.
1Cr 15:24 After that the end will come, when he will turn the Kingdom over to God the Father, having destroyed every ruler and authority and power.
1Cr 15:25 For Christ must reign until he humbles all his enemies beneath his feet.
1Cr 15:26 And the last enemy to be destroyed is death.
1Cr 15:27 For the Scriptures say, "God has put all things under his authority."[fn5] (Of course, when it says "all things are under his authority," that does not include God himself, who gave Christ his authority.)
1Cr 15:28 Then, when all things are under his authority, the Son will put himself under God's authority, so that God, who gave his Son authority over all things, will be utterly supreme over everything everywhere.
1Cr 15:29 If the dead will not be raised, what point is there in people being baptized for those who are dead? Why do it unless the dead will someday rise again?
1Cr 15:30 And why should we ourselves risk our lives hour by hour?
1Cr 15:31 For I swear, dear brothers and sisters, that I face death daily. This is as certain as my pride in what Christ Jesus our Lord has done in you.
1Cr 15:32 And what value was there in fighting wild beasts—those people of Ephesus[fn6]—if there will be no resurrection from the dead? And if there is no resurrection, "Let's feast and drink, for tomorrow we die!"[fn7]
1Cr 15:33 Don't be fooled by those who say such things, for "bad company corrupts good character."
1Cr 15:34 Think carefully about what is right, and stop sinning. For to your shame I say that some of you don't know God at all.
1Cr 15:35 But someone may ask, "How will the dead be raised? What kind of bodies will they have?"
1Cr 15:36 What a foolish question! When you put a seed into the ground, it doesn't grow into a plant unless it dies first.
1Cr 15:37 And what you put in the ground is not the plant that will grow, but only a bare seed of wheat or whatever you are planting.
1Cr 15:38 Then God gives it the new body he wants it to have. A different plant grows from each kind of seed.
1Cr 15:39 Similarly there are different kinds of flesh—one kind for humans, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish.
1Cr 15:40 There are also bodies in the heavens and bodies on the earth. The glory of the heavenly bodies is different from the glory of the earthly bodies.
1Cr 15:41 The sun has one kind of glory, while the moon and stars each have another kind. And even the stars differ from each other in their glory.
1Cr 15:42 It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever.
1Cr 15:43 Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength.
1Cr 15:44 They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies. For just as there are natural bodies, there are also spiritual bodies.
1Cr 15:45 The Scriptures tell us, "The first man, Adam, became a living person."[fn8] But the last Adam—that is, Christ—is a life-giving Spirit.
1Cr 15:46 What comes first is the natural body, then the spiritual body comes later.
1Cr 15:47 Adam, the first man, was made from the dust of the earth, whi
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